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Services for Faculty and Staff

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Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service that expands the reach of the DACC Library by enabling users to borrow materials from over 6,700 libraries throughout the United States and Canada. The library is connected electronically to the collections of these libraries and our library is able to the send the requests of our users to the locations owning material that are most likely to respond expeditiously and without charges.

  • The use of Interlibrary Loan is a privilege, not the right of every cardholder. ILL services are only available to current DACC students, faculty, and staff
  • The DACC Library adheres to the processes of OCLC and the ALA Interlibrary Loan Code to provide this service
  • DACC Library ILL Policy

Purchase Suggestions

Please visit the Subject Liaison Program Guide for information on the Library Liaison Program and Library Acquisitions.