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Reference Books

What are they and how to use them

Use reference books to get quick specific facts or an overview of a subject. Some examples of reference sources are: dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, almanacs, directories, atlases, and handbooks. These can be online or in print.

Exploring a new subject? Starting a research project? We recommend reference resources as the first place to start when you are learning about a topic. Perhaps you need a definition or overview of topic such as "climate change" or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy." If so, this is a great place to start. Print Reference books generally do not check out, but they can be used in the library, photocopied or scanned and emailed. Luckily, most library reference books are online now.

Print Books

Check Me Out from the DACC Library

As part of the NMSU System, the DACC Library Search Everything Box searches all 4 libraries for print books--NMSU, DACC, Alamogordo, and Grants. If you find a physical book you like, but it is not at your library, you simply "request" it. You must be signed in to see this option.

The item will then be sent to the library of your choice so you can borrow it for 3 weeks with up to 2 renewals. And you can return physical library materials to any library in the system.


Access Me from the DACC Library Website

eBooks can also be found in the DACC Library's Search Everything Box, you must be signed in to see the full-text, but unlike print books, you must be a DACC student to access DACC electronic materials. And the same goes for the other 3 libraries in the NMSU system. Below are some print books and ebooks accessible to DACC students via the DACC Library Search Everything Box. And you can search for more from the library homepage.

Featured eBooks

Open Educational Resources (OERs) - free to download