Welcome to the DACC Library guide on artificial intelligence. The purpose of this guide is to help students understand and explore AI. Browse the tabs above to investigate some common questions about AI, such as:
Disclaimer: Always check with your professor before using AI for an academic assignment. If you are allowed to use it for coursework, be sure to use proper attribution and citation.
Infographic Title: "Defining Generative AI."
"To understand generative AI (GenAI), we first need to understand how the technology builds from each of the AI subcategories listed below."
Graphic of four blue circles of decreasing size, nested within one another. Each of the four circles provides information about different AI subcategories.
To the side of the largest blue circle is a small, separate beige circle with supplementary information: "Expert System AI: Programmers teach AI exactly how to solve specific problems by providing precise instructions and steps."
This guide is adapted from a guide at Montgomery College Library, wtih permission