Finding Reserve Items
Search the Library Catalog for Reserves
For best results, enter the title or keyword search. You can also search by your instructor's last name or course number.
The search results will list items on reserve for all campus locations (NMSU, Dona Ana, East Mesa, etc.) Items for DACC East Mesa and Espina Campuses will be shelved at the Front Desk.
Please contact library staff if you need assistance.
Fines for course reserves are assessed to encourage prompt return of materials. Fines apply all days and hours, even if the library is closed, and are assessed after an item is overdue. Reserve fines will accrue at $1.00 per item per hour until the item is returned. Please note that all overnight reserve are checked out for 24-hour periods exactly and fines begin to accrue immediately following that period. If the item is 2 weeks overdue, a replacement and processing fee (min. $10) is added, a bill for replacement is produced during the next scheduled printing of bills. Unpaid library fines may result in the blocking of registration, graduation, and transcripts or loss of borrowing privileges.
Loan Type | Hours |
Library Use Only | 2 hours |
May Leave Library | 1 day, 3 day, and 1 week. |
Reserve materials should be returned to the desk, where they were checked out. If the Library is closed, Reserve materials can be returned to the after-hours book drop located directly outside the library at East Mesa or Espina Campuses. Fines may accrue if materials are placed in the outside book drop when the library is open.
Library users checking out Reserve materials are responsible for:
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
Please contact us if you have questions.